Prices and Features

Basic Club Member


monthly fee

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 View Merchants

 View Deals and Offers

 Purchase Premium Vouchers

 Browse and View Map

Premium Club Member


monthly fee

Select Plan


 Earn/Redeem Solo and Premium Points

 Ability to Link Card for Automatic Points

 Favorite Merchants

 Collect Deals and Offers

Full Feature List

Feature Basic Club Member Premium Club Member
Monthly Subscription Fee* $ 0 $ 2
Annual Subscription Fee* $ 0 $ 20
View Merchants      
View Deals and Offers      
Browse Feature      
Map Feature      
Earn Solo Points
Earn Premium Points
Redeem Solo Vouchers
Redeem Premium Vouchers
Purchase Premium Vouchers
Favorite Merchants
Link Card for Automatic Points*
Collect Merchant Favorite Bonuses
Refer a Friend Bonuses
Refer a Merchant Bonuses
Birthday Bonuses
Review Merchants
Collect Merchant Sign up Bonuses
Login to Club Rewards Web App
Login to Club Rewards Native App

*Card Linking Technologies and Memberships Coming Summer 2024!

Basic Club Members can earn and redeem points with one member merchant for no cost as long as they register using that merchants affiliate link.
These Club Members do not have access to Card Linking via Plaid and must upload receipts in order to earn points.

Have Questions?

If you have any questions about our plans feel free to contact us or visit our FAQ's.

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