Realize Value without having to change your business
Using GETS Rewards with your business leads to higher lifetime value for each customer through more frequent purchases, higher-value orders, and less customer turnover.
GETS Rewards is seamless to integrate and helps you build a strong customer base around your brand without having to change the technologies you already use for your day-to-day operations.
During redemption sales, customers often opt for better products because the upgrade costs them less.
This dynamic creates a win-win scenario for both Club Members and your business.
Not only will your customers feel like they're getting a great deal, but you'll also benefit from increased sales and customer satisfaction.
With GETS Rewards you choose how Club Members redeem points
Imagine you're running a shop and you introduce GETS Rewards
for your customers, where every time they buy something, they earn points.
Let's say a customer comes in and spends $50. You decide to give them points as
a thank you, which are worth 20% of their spend. So, if they shop 10 times and
spend $500 in total, they get points worth $100.
Here’s where it gets interesting: To use their $100 worth of
points, the customer needs to make a bigger purchase than usual, say $200. But,
they can pay half of that ($100) with the points they've accumulated. This
means they're encouraged to buy more from your shop, doubling their usual spend without you having to reduce your prices or give away cash.
GETS Rewards is designed to make your customers feel rewarded and
keep coming back, increasing their spending each time. The clever part? Despite
giving out points, it doesn't actually cost your business extra money because
the program encourages additional sales that cover the cost of the points.
after everything, you still keep your initial earnings, and your customers are
happy because they get to use their points for discounts on bigger purchases.
It's a win-win: your customers get more value, and you boost your sales without
dipping into your profits.
Check out our memberships for business or FAQ's to Learn More.
See memberships Business FAQs